Coverage Limit
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deposits NOT covered
Scope of cover
All investment or funds that do not meet the criteria established in the definition of insurable deposits are not protected by deposit insurance and include the following―
- securities purchased by contributory institution on behalf of the depositor;
- interbank deposits;
- government deposits, local or foreign;
- a deposit that is not payable in Zimbabwe;
- contents of safety deposit boxes;
- unit trust/managed funds;
- debentures issued by a contributory institution;
- deposits of executive management, board members or shareholders of a contributory institution;
- negotiable certificates of deposit;
- bankers acceptances;
- repurchase agreements;
- capital shares;
- deposits deposited by other domestic or foreign banks on their own account;
- drafts or managers cheques issued to trade creditors; and
- any other liability or financial instrument as may be specified by the Corporation from time to time by notice in the Government Gazette.